Professional consulting services - market entry and distribution.
Consider it done!
MGJ CONSULTING: international market entry, franchise consulting, company representation in Poland, business development services, digital products.
MGJ CONSULTING is a Polish-Canadian consulting company providing specialized international business development consulting, business management services to international companies and individual investors to support their market entry strategy, business development, sales management, distribution of products and services, marketing and general business management in Poland and in CEE.
We also engage in franchise systems consulting in Poland and provide full package of services to companies looking for master franchisees or individual franchisees in Poland.
We provide business consulting services to companies interested in doing business in Poland and in the CEE countries.Our Services:
- Market Entry support.
- Professional Representation of foreign companies in Poland.
- New Company Set-Up and registration support/
- Franchising Systems - Promotion, Sales and Marketing of franchise concepts and brands in Poland.
- Promotional Services for international trade events (trade fairs, exhibitions, conferences) in Poland and abroad,
- Business Development / Sales Management / Distribution: selecting the best sales and distribution strategy in Poland.
- Recruitment of full-time and part-time employees.
- Interim Managers for short and long term assignments,
- Lobbying and PR.
- Online Services: specialized portals and web service support on international scale
The scope of our services is very broad. We adjust these services to our clients' individual needs and also provide a custom made solutions.
Over the past 10 years we have successfully assisted numerous international companies in Poland, who have entered the market and have developed their businesses in Poland.
MGJ CONSULTING jest profesjonalną firmą doradczą, świadczącą kompleksowe usługi doradcze firmom zagranicznym oraz prywatnym inwestorom zagranicznym w Polsce w zakresie rozwoju rynku, marketingu, sprzedaży, dystrybucji produktów i usług oraz usługi przedstawicielstwa handlowego w Polsce.
Od ponad 16 lat pomagamy inwestorom zagranicznym w realizacji ich strategii wejścia na rynek polski i rozwoju działalności gospodarczej w Polsce. Angażujemy się w dystrybucję produktów i usług naszych klientów w Polsce.
Reprezentujemy w Polsce czołowe zagraniczne wydarzenia handlowe, targi i konferencje związane z szeregiem branż: zrównoważony rozwój, ekologia, recykling, gospodarka materiałowa, oczyszczanie ścieków, pojazdy elektryczne i wodorowe, energetyka, energia odnawialna, żywność i napoje, fitness i wellness oraz wiele innych. Zachęcamy do skorzystania z naszej oferty udziału w targach organizowanych przez Italian Exhibition Group we włoskim Rimini.